

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

eclipse solar 2017 - 26 febrero

En directo, seguimiento del eclipse solar anular desde Latinoamérica. La Luna cubre por completo el Sol dejando ver un anillo de fuego.

Este fenómeno sólo será visible en el hemisferio sur

Recorrido mundial del eclipse solar:

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017

Beatles / Ragnarok / 3CD Wx OBI Strip

Beatles / Ragnarok / 3CD Wx OBI Strip  / Misterclaudel
Translated Text:
The Last Day Of Get Back Session At Apple Studio January 31,1969. Digitally Remastered

Click Image To Enlarge

When was the Beatles disbanded? It was the first time that Paul announced his withdrawal in a magazine on April 10, 1970 when the thing became public. In addition, on December 30, 1970 Paul appealed the other three to the London High Court seeking dissolution of the Beatles and elimination of Apple management. And on March 12, 1971, the court approved it, and the legal dissolution was decided. However, these are representations, movements towards it, and legal decisions.
For many Japanese people, the end of the Great East Asa War was recognized as August 15, 1954 when Tamane Broadcasting was held, but before that it was making a consultation for peace negotiations through the Soviet Union, before the congratulatory meeting of the Emperor It is said that August 10 which decided to surrender was a substantial end war. And the legal surrender is the day when Seiko Aoi signed the surrender document in the Missouri issue on September 2. The Soviet Union destroyed the Nissho Neutral Treaty and invaded the Northern Territories since August 15, when Japan disarmed, but before the September 2 the Soviet Union justified it because it was in a state of warfare . Anyway it is difficult to determine the date.
Let’s go back to the Beatles. Although there are various opinions in the history of the Beatles’ dissolution, it is probably only saying that all of them are correct and complexly entangled. And from the time of the white album, it seems that the sprouts were felt among the members. The Beatles, which had been proud of a strong unity and strong unity until then, had been transformed into a relationship that requires effort to maintain it after the white album. I think that it was the get back session of 1969 that the effect was demonstrated in a bad direction.
The Get Back Session was done on the concept that filming the state of the recording of the new song into a movie, performing only the new song, making that appearance a highlight of the movie. Photographing and recording were performed at Twickenham Studio from January 2 to 16, 1969, at Apple Studio from January 20 to 31, respectively. The famous roof top concert is taking place on 30th. The film “Let It Be” was produced from films filmed in this session, but the content is dark, and Paul and George are vividly recorded until a tense tension scene, It is reported that George had a difficulty in softening. Also, the recorded material was not George Martin, who had been responsible for producing it until now, but was newly released to Phil Spector and released as an album “Let It Be”. George and John were extremely satisfied with the work of Phil Spector and will also entrust the production of a solo album, but Paul was furious as being broken into a work by Phil Spector who had decorated excessively. In any case, it can be said that this get back session was a month that made all the cracks between Paul and other members decisive, including the result.
Again, when we confirmed the schedule of get back session, the session that began at Twickenham Studios from January 2 was held over the course of one month after transferring location to Apple studio from the middle. On January 30th it was devoted to a live show on the roof of Apple Building, and the appearance is also used as the roof top concert at the end of the movie. The main purpose of the get back session was to produce albums and movies. The roof top concert was set on the 30th to keep the last 31 days as a reserved day. It is this work that recorded on the very last January 31, the last day recording with all existing sound sources
There is no doubt that there was album production from this session in the background that the recording was done on the last day. It can be said from the fact that three songs “Two Of Us”, “The Long And Winding Road” and “Let It Be” that were not played at the roof top concert were recorded focusing on the last finish . “The Long And Winding Road” and “Let It Be” were not oriented to the live only by piano-based quiet songs, and the arrangement of “Two Of Us” was changed to an acoustic-based performance on the way It seems to have been omitted by the rooftop live. Since both are Paul’s songs, we can see that this project is still led by Paul.
This last day began with the “Two Of Us” session. Although it is Paul’s song, John started singing in the main, starting with a version that dropped quite a tempo, and it’s a warm-up atmosphere. It is because the session has just begun and the engine is not engaged, I enjoy playing songs that are not related at all. However, it seems that sessions are matured, not because they are not something like the first half of the session at the beginning of the month, but because they are playing properly. The interesting thing is that the song changes as “Take This Hammer” progresses, and later it is John ‘s solo album “Clippled Inside”. The Beatles played like this without thinking, and it was supposed to be a piece of later work by matching John ‘s good skill that keeps the lyrics that came into my mind. While incomplete, the song is completely “Clippled Inside” melody. Furthermore, it will laugh as it sticks to the punch that leads to “Run For Yourself” as it is. The important “Two Of Us” is very interesting, as you can see the process of approaching completion of songs in hand. Originally it seemed to be singing mainly by John, but Paul became the main version reversing master and slave from the middle, and the tempo has been raised close to the release version as well.
In addition to temporarily stopping “Two Of Us” and transitioning to the next “The Long And Winding Road” session, there is also recorded how various songs are still playing. “I Got Stung” is officially recorded by Paul on the album “Run Devil Run” in 30 years, but here is something like a piece of music. “Step Inside Love” is a singing version of John, playfully playing on the way and becoming a replacement for “Let It Be”. Paul will try to play “Let It Be” relatively seriously, but it will be interrupted soon. Here the members will postpone “Let It Be” and start “The Long And Winding Road”. In the beginning, John and George tune the guitar back, or while lightly sounding a sound, Paul sits on the piano and starts playing. I feel like I have not decided what kind of singing to turn with singing like shedding yet. Even so, beautiful melodies can not be hidden, and even such rehearsal take is the atmosphere of masterpieces. Listening to such a simple performance, what Paul intends and what Phil Spector finally overlapped with the chorus and orchestra are truly exquisite, like the hymns being sung in the church, Perhaps it was surprising when Paul heard the arrangement of Phil Spector for the first time. The interlude part has not been decided yet, it is also interesting that Paul is singing with a scat. After all, this song should be played in a simple way with four Beatles in this way, including Billy Preston at best. It is clearly understood by listening to this session sound source.
Were you tired of just playing the same song, Paul suddenly played “Lady Madonna”. It has been played with a hard feeling that it fairly collapsed, and there is a play that says “The Long And Winding Road” on the melody of “Lady Madonna”, and it is worth listening. And again the session returns to “The Long And Winding Road”. At this point, it seems that he did not decide how to make the ending in the plan of Paul, and the take that finishes the end properly continues, but it seems that he was planning to finish in orthodox at roughly the piano.
And finally the session will shift to “Let It Be”. Before that, “I Want You” is being played with play. Paul version of “I Want You” of truth / unknown unknown has been circulated since ancient times. True false is still unknown yet, but after that I described that Mark Lewison’s book “There is” I Want you “Paul sings”, and the credibility has increased dramatically. However, what is recorded here is “I Want You” by genuinely pole vocal. Although there are parts that are very similar to the singing of the take of the unknown truth or unknown, it is a frustrating place to say something.
“Let It Be” is a Paul confident song, it is told told to the surroundings that “When this song is announced, the world will be amazed”. Of course, it is one of the songs that represent the Beatles, Paul is an important song that is incorporated into the set list every time in a solo tour. Originally the lyrics have not been finalized yet, John suddenly played jokingly, often disturbing Paul as if it did not get angry. As well as doing other songs, you can sing with up tempo and sing and repeat trial and error on this day on the last day. However, gradually the seriousness has increased in the performance, and John also participates in the chorus quite seriously whether it has recognized the atmosphere. Especially the serious exchange of John and Paul after the song finished is very tense, and despite saying that John is okay, Paul agrees again that John agrees It is a sound source that feels even behind that entered the sanctuary, such as the start of a new take.
It seems that it was to re-play each song again to conclude the final day of this session. It would be a distraction to first play “Oh Darling” 3 take. It is strange that it is different from the one recorded in “Abbey Road” and it sounds like a get back session properly. Like the previous “Let It Be”, he is performing at Bossa Nova Arrange at the up tempo. It was Paul’s “The Long And Winding Road” that ended the long sessions over the past month. Excessive heaviness to the extent of Phil Spector is excluded, only the beautiful piano only, back is this era, the guitar effect that rolls a special ball this time, the figure of the original song is here here It can be said that there is. The interlude is not a guitar but a discreet organ solo by Billy Preston’s hand.
This work includes a session that lasted for one month as a long-term get back session from January 1969, a session after the rooftop concert, a session on the last day of January 31, including all existing sound sources become. As the final day, the song is almost final but the last session that came in the situation lacking the bridges. Three songs not played on the roof top the day before, the appearance of the four Beatles finishing the session is recorded vividly. Especially because the vocal microphone is near, realistic feeling as if it is being sung with just the ear, ear at the very beginning, will bring to those who listen to the impression that can not be replaced by anything.
While the collapse of the Beatles began to be revealed, it still keeps the sacredness to be expressed as “the twilight of the gods” unchanged. The title “Ragnarok” is the last day in Norse mythology world. Richard Wagner uses the German translation of “Ragnarok” as the title of the final chapter in the musical theater ‘Ring of Nibelung’. It can be said that it is a tight ring suitable for decorating the last chapter of the legend called the grand beatles. Permanent preservation of a beautiful picture / disk specification A tightly pressed board.

最終日にレコーディングが行なわれた背景には、このセッションからのアルバム制作があったことは間違いない。ルーフ・トップ・コンサートで演奏されなかった「Two Of Us」「The Long And Winding Road」「Let It Be」の3曲が最後の仕上げとばかりに重点的にレコーディングされていることからもそれが伺える。「The Long And Winding Road」と「Let It Be」はピアノ主体の静かな曲だけにライヴ向きではなかったこと、そして「Two Of Us」も途中からアコースティック主体の演奏にアレンジが変更になったことから、屋上ライヴで割愛されたと思われる。いずれもポールの曲であることから、このプロジェクトがやはりポール主導であることがわかる。
この最終日は、「Two Of Us」のセッションから始まった。ポールの曲でありながら、ジョンがメインで歌い、かなりテンポを落としたバージョンから始まり、いかにもウォームアップ的な雰囲気である。まだセッションが始まったばかりでエンジンがかかっていないからだろう、まったく関係ない曲を演奏して楽しんでいる。ただし月初めのセッション前半のようなダラダラしたものではなく、きちんと演奏していることからもセッションが成熟していることが伺える。面白いのは「Take This Hammer」が演奏を進めていく内に曲が変化していき、後にジョンのソロアルバム「Clippled Inside」になっている点である。ビートルズはこのように思いつくままに演奏をし、頭に浮かんだ歌詞を連ねるジョンの得意技を合わせ、後の作品のピースとしていたのであろう。未完成ながら曲は完全に「Clippled Inside」のメロディである。さらに、それがそのまま「Run For Yourself」に繋がるオチまでついてしまうのには笑ってしまう。肝心の「Two Of Us」は、曲が完成に近付いていく過程が手にとるようにわかり、非常に興味深い。当初はジョンがメインで歌っているような感じだったが、途中から主従逆転しポールがメインを張るバージョンになり、テンポもリリース・バージョンに近くまで上げられている。
「Two Of Us」を一旦終え、次の「The Long And Winding Road」のセッションへ移行する合間に、これまた様々な曲をお遊びで演奏している様子が収録されている。「I Got Stung」はこの30年後にポールがアルバム『ラン・デヴィル・ラン』で正式にレコーディングしているが、ここでは曲の片鱗といった程度のもの。「Step Inside Love」はジョンが歌いバージョンで、途中でふざけて「Let It Be」の替え歌になってしまっている。仕切り直しでポールが「Let It Be」を比較的真面目に演奏しようとするが、すぐに中断してしまう。ここでメンバーは「Let It Be」を後回しにして「The Long And Winding Road」に着手する。最初はバックでジョンとジョージがギターをチューニングしたり、軽く音を出している中、ポールがピアノに座って演奏を始める。まだ流したような歌い方で、どのような歌いまわしにするか決まっていない感じである。それでも美しいメロディは隠しようがなく、このようなリハーサル・テイクですら名曲の雰囲気が漂っている。このようなシンプルな演奏を聴くと、ポールが意図したものと、最終的にフィル・スペクターがコーラスやオーケストラを重ねたものは実に仰々しく、教会で歌われる讃美歌のようになっており、おそらくポールが初めてフィル・スペクターのアレンジを聴いたときは驚いたのではないだろうか。間奏部分もまだ決まっておらず、ポールがスキャットで歌っているのも興味深い。やはりこの曲は、このようにビートルズ4人に、せいぜいビリー・プレストンを入れたシンプルに演奏すべきだったのだ。それがこのセッション音源を聴いて如実にわかる。
同じ曲ばかり演奏するのに飽きたのか、ポールは突然「Lady Madonna」を演奏しだす。これがかなり崩したハードな感じで演奏されており、「Lady Madonna」のメロディに乗せて「The Long And Winding Road」を歌うという遊びもあり、一聴の価値あるというものだ。そして再びセッションは「The Long And Winding Road」に戻る。この時点で、ポールの構想の中にエンディングをどのようにするか決めていないようで、最後を適当に終わらせるテイクが続くが、おおよそピアノでオーソドックスに終わるつもりだったようだ。
そしていよいよセッションは「Let It Be」に移行する。その前に「I Want You」がお遊びで演奏されている。古くから真偽不明のポール・バージョンの「I Want You」が流通している。真偽はいまだもって不明だが、その後マークルイソンの著書で「ポールが歌う『I Want you』がある」と記述したことで、俄然信憑性が増したものである。しかし、ここに収録されているのは正真正銘ポールのヴォーカルによる「I Want You」である。聴いてみると先の真偽不明のテイクの歌いまわしと非常に類似しているところもあるが、やはり何とも言えないのがもどかしいところ。
「Let It Be」はポール自信の曲で、「この曲が発表されると世界が驚くぞ」と周囲に言ったと伝えられる。もちろんビートルズを代表する曲のひとつであり、ポールはソロ・ツアーにおいて毎回セットリストに組み込んでいる重要な曲である。当初は歌詞もまだ確定しておらず、ジョンが突然ふざけだしたりと、よくこれでポールが怒らなかったなというくらい邪魔をしている。他の曲でもよくやるように、アップテンポにして歌ってみたり、最終日のこの日においても試行錯誤を繰り返しているのがわかる。しかし、徐々に演奏に真剣さが増していき、ジョンも雰囲気を察したのか、かなり真面目にコーラスに加わっている。特に曲が終わったあとのジョンとポールの真剣なやりとりは、非常に緊張感あふれるもので、ジョンがオッケーだと言っているにもかかわらず、ポールはもう一度やろうという、それにジョンが同意して新たなテイクが始まるなど、聖域に踏み入った後ろめたさすら感じる音源である。
そして、このセッション最終日を締めくくるのは、それぞれの曲を再度演奏し直すことであったようだ。最初に「Oh Darling」を3テイク演奏しているのも気晴らしであろう。『Abbey Road』に収録のものとは趣が異なり、きちんとゲット・バック・セッションふうに聴こえるから不思議である。先の「Let It Be」と同じように、アップ・テンポで、ボサノヴァ・アレンジで演奏されてもいる。この一か月に渡る長きセッションを締めくくったのは、ポールによる「The Long And Winding Road」であった。フィル・スペクターによる過剰なまでの重厚さは排除されたままの、美しいピアノのみの、そしてバックはこの時代、この時期特有の玉を転がすようなギター・エフェクト、本来あるべき曲の姿がここにあるといえる。間奏はギターではなくビリー・プレストンの手による控えめなオルガン・ソロである。
01. Roll Announcement
02. Two Of Us
03. Unknown
04. Hey Good Lookin’
05. Take This Hammer
06. Two Of Us
07. Two Of Us
08. Two Of Us
09. Two Of Us
10. Two Of Us
11. Step Inside Love
12. Friendship
13. Tales Of Frankie Rabbit
14. Two Of Us
15. Deed I Do
16. Two Of Us
17. I Got Stung
18. Step Inside Love
19. Let It Be
20. Let It Be
21. The Long And Winding Road
22. Let It Be
23. The Long And Winding Road
24. The Long And Winding Road
25. The Long And Winding Road
26. The Long And Winding Road
27. The Long And Winding Road
28. The Long And Winding Road
29. The Long And Winding Road
30. The Long And Winding Road
01. The Long And Winding Road
02. The Long And Winding Road
03. The Long And Winding Road
04. The Long And Winding Road
05. Lady Madonna
06. The Long And Winding Road
07. The Long And Winding Road
08. The Long And Winding Road
09. The Long And Winding Road
10. The Long And Winding Road
11. The Long And Winding Road
12. I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
13. Let It Be
14. Let It Be
15. Let It Be
16. Let It Be
17. Build Me Up Buttercup
18. Let It Be
19. Let It Be
20. Let It Be
21. Let It Be
22. Let’s Have A Party
23. Let’s Have A Party
24. Let It Be
25. Dialogue
01. Instrumental
02. Let It Be
03. Let It Be
04. Roll Announcement
05. Let It Be
06. Let It Be
07. Let It Be
08. Let It Be – 12th Street Rag
09. Let It Be
10. Oh! Darling
11. Oh! Darling
12. Oh! Darling
13. Unknown
14. Let It Be
15. Let It Be
16. Let It Be
17. Two Of Us
18. The Long And Winding Road
19. Dialogue (Two Of Us chat)
20. Dialogue (Let It Be chat)
21. Let It Be
22. Two Of Us
23. Let It Be
24. Two Of Us
25. The Long And WInding Road
Misterclaudel. MCCD-611/612/613


Alguien anímese y compartala.

pipes of peace sessions 3 cds

Paul McCartney ‎– Pipes Of Peace Sessions

Misterclaudel ‎– mccd-528/529/530
3 × CD, Unofficial Release 


Pipes Of Peace
1-1Monitor Mix
1-2Basic Track
1-3Piano + Second Vocals - No Children Chorus (5.1 Mix)
1-4Effects + Flute + Children Chorus + Indian Tabla (5.1 Mix)
1-5Single Edit
Say Say Say
1-6Alternate Take
1-7Main Vocal Version (5.1 Mix)
1-8Single Extended Version
1-9Single Instrumental
The Other Me
1-10Rough Mix
Keep Under Cover
Wings Rehearsal - October 10, 1980
1-11Demo Practice #1
1-12Demo Practice #2
1-13Rehearsal #1
1-14Rehearsal #2
1-15Rehearsal #3
1-16Rehearsal #4
Session With George Martin
1-18Session #1
1-19'Magic Eyes'
1-20Session #2
So Bad
1-21Basic Track
1-22Synthesizer + Orchestra (5.1 Mix)
The Man
1-23Rough Mix (Unknown Acetate)
Sweetest Little Show
2-1Demo (Unedited)
2-2Demo (Edited)
Average Person
Wings Rehearsal - October 18, 1980
2-3Rehearsal #1
2-4Rehearsal #2
2-5Rehearsal #3
2-6Rehearsal #4
2-7Rehearsal #5
2-8Rehearsal #6
2-9Rehearsal #7
2-10Rehearsal #8
2-11Rehearsal #9
Wings Rehearsal - October 10, 1980
2-12Rehearsal #1
2-13Rehearsal #2
2-14Rehearsal #3
2-15Rehearsal #4
Ode To A Koala Bear
3-1Alternate Mix
Twice In A Lifetime
3-2Alternate Mix
It's Not On
3-3Recording Session
3-4Monitor Mix With Additional Voices
3-5Final Version
Simple As That
The Girl Is Mine
3-8Original Long Version
3-9Single Edit
3-10Promo Edit ("New Edited Version")
3-11Say Say Say (Chris Holmes Remix 2010)
3-12Say Say Say (Chris Holmes Remix 2012)
3-13Say Say Say (2015 Remix - Video Edit Mix)
Promotional Radio Show 1983
3-14Intro - Pipes Of Peace
3-15Chat About George Martin
3-16Chat About Michael Jackson
3-17Say Say Say (Special Edited Version)
3-18Chat About "Ebony And Ivory"
3-19Chat About "The Man"
3-20Chat About "The Other Me"
3-21Chat About "Keep Under Cover"
3-22Chat About "So Bad"
3-23Chat About Touring
3-24Chat About "Sweetest Little Show"
3-25Chat About "Average Person"
3-26Chat About "Through Our Love"
3-27Chat About "War And Peace"
3-28Paul's Final Words


Latest work of M Claudel is a session collection of albums that have been in 1983 release “Pipes Of Peace”. With the arrival of the George Martin to producer, in order to collaborate since the Beatles era, Paul has prepared a music over indeed two or more sheets of albums. To make the first “tag of War” from the “Pipes Of Peace” has been created from the song that has leaked at the time. that both George Martin was subjected to produce. That it was composed at the same time. And War and Peace. Younger brother of brothers album which became a pair is, I will say that this “Pipes Of Peace”. Public evaluation has become a staple as the name board “tag of War,” but I think not many people that is a fan of the old prefer the “Pipes Of Peace”. In particular, although the last is costarring with Stevie Wonder became a hot topic, it has also attracted attention in that the co-star song of the hottest artists and that was Michael Jackson at that time the world has been recorded in this album. This work, such as outtakes and session instrument for the album “Pipes Of Peace”, will be the one that was the culmination in the order of the album songs.
Disk 1 begins decorate the beginning album “Pipes Of Peace”. Monitor mix can listen to the extraction of the chorus part of the children in, also in the basic track, you can enjoy a single-track vocals of Paul. “Say Say Say” that was hit with a single at the time, but has been made another mix are many, in fact there will be a different take. It has been recorded in this work. Vocals in another completely, Michael has sung with the perky than release version, the orchestra has become a different music of all impression while almost the same. And or in the release version has been directly singing Michael is the place where Paul was singing, will be interesting difference is also found here and there in large numbers. “Keep Under Cover” Rashiku song that Paul himself had put the very force, has been carefully rehearsal is done from the Wings era, the initial version that dropped the tempo to listen here. About music and all configuration is completed, after is how to do bring to the final shape has become an issue. Such as the guitar solo is incorporated, and is the initial version of rock tastes have come heavily. Part of the narrative tone of the intro that can be heard in the release version also because were added later, you can learn from this rehearsal and demo. “So Bad” is the only music is also unusual singing Paul throughout falsetto, is referred to as a bass note of that return, it said that masterpieces marked brilliantly the pot of Paul fan. In track that becomes the basic is to have been recorded here, instruments to a minimum, vocal vivid version of Paul single tracks. And finally is this also a rare acetate sound source is “The Man”. Any stage of the thing whether it is not ascertained, the guitar has not yet been added firmly, in the back by approximately orchestra and acoustic guitar, and is the initial version that has been multiplied by a deep echo in the vocals.
Disc 2 has recorded the “Average Person” than the demo version 2 and Wings rehearsal session, the “Sweetest Little Show”. “Sweetest Little Show” while simple demo vocals is added is overdubbing, is impressive that the tempo kept are carefully sing. “Average Person” is quite like the initial version, how are kneaded a song while instructing the chord progression to the band members have been recorded. Melody is almost complete, lyrics also can ask you that have brought to the studio in a state in which from the beginning has been to some extent completed. You probably were thinking as a new song of Wings, is a rehearsal to uncompromising attitude of Paul is, yet peaceful studio rehearsal sound source that atmosphere comes through the while issues an instruction to be band again and again. The last has been recorded demo of the songs of Paul alone.
Disc 3 will begin with the sweet ballad “poem to the Koala” from a different mix of “Twice In A Lifetime”. “Poem to the Koala” is have been recorded in the B-side of the single “Say Say Say”, probably because on CD was delayed, but is unfortunate song of classic treats hidden that does not hit much of the spot, a beautiful melody, magnificent melody, etc., exactly the McCartney sound true value such. “Twice In A Lifetime” in the calm songs sad melody, Hakubi a good song, even in this time of outtakes. If anything it is the melody close to “press-to-play”. “It’s No On” is a song with a nimble melody in turn, than Paul stand out is more of the child’s voice, the song of subtle impression for Paul fan. But session sound source of the same song that Paul has been recorded in this work sing in the main is, there is no McCartney number veritable that brew this is 70’s atmosphere, such as if-class also is said to be the Wings era of demo . “Simple As That” has been recorded release version is in the bonus track of “Pipes Of Peace”, but the demo’s has been recorded in this work. It surprised it is quite different from what the melody with the release version. Lyrics only is common in, I feel like if they were listening to another song.
Highlights of disk 3 would be session sound source of “The Girl Is Mine”. As a return to the pole of the album Michael Jackson took part, it is a song to the “Thriller” of Michael, that Paul is participating vocal in the form of duet “The Girl Is Mine”. This is not a co-operation, credits of Michael alone, in perfect Michael Jackson number, Paul participation of only vocals. Thus demo first to have been recorded is a recording by Michael alone. The place is unusual for Paul part also Michael is singing sing originally. It contains the sweet strings, the tempo is slow, it is a demonstration sound source pretty impressive is different from the release version. This song will not contain the words of Paul and Michael to ending, also recorded single edit that the word does not enter.
1980s dance music epidemic, remixes and long edit for flowing in such club was created in large numbers. Michael Jackson is the representative price, the more difficult the whole of understanding has been released many remixes of separately 12 inches from the album and single. Even the original version to the listening accustomed ears were often unnatural that it might than flying sound or there is a strange feeling, nostalgic 80s scent of become now. Here it is 3 version remix of made in relatively recent years “Say Say Say”. Especially remix made by Chris Holmes in 2012, it surprised suddenly to the sampling of “Hey Bulldog”.
And the end of the disc 3, has recorded a radio program that introduces the album was made at the time release. While listening to the song of “Pipes Of Peace” in the order, Paul himself will have the description of music in the form of answer to interview. Interviewer also Rashiku fairly Paul fan, I have cast a fairly sharp questions. Paul to the question, “What was that? Is after a long time of working with George Martin?” Has joked, “I was the worst!”. Other, has been recorded an interesting interview over that of Michael Jackson, which was co-starring in the album and, in the range until the maniac questions such as what does not appear in the concert tour. By the way to go on tour it will take the years of six years and even more this time.
Latest work of M Claudel, the title was recorded session of the album “Pipes Of Peace”. Including the same period session, packed Innovation Kyu-over to really three disks, is the latest work of the session series. Permanent Athletic press platen of the beautiful picture disc specification.
ディスク1はアルバム冒頭を飾る「パイプス・オブ・ピース」から始まります。モニターミックスでは子供たちの合唱部分の抽出を聴くことができ、またベーシックトラックではポールのシングル・トラック・ヴォーカルを堪能できます。当時シングルでヒットした「Say Say Say」は、別ミックスが数多く作られていますが、実は別テイクが存在します。それが本作に収録されています。ヴォーカルも完全に別で、マイケルがリリース・バージョンより溌剌と歌っており、オケはほぼ同じながら全く印象の異なる楽曲となっています。リリース・バージョンではポールが歌っていた箇所をそのままマイケルが歌っていたりと、興味深い違いも数多く散見されます。「Keep Under Cover」はポール自身も非常に力を入れていた曲らしく、ウイングス時代から入念にリハーサルが行われており、ここで聴けるのはテンポを落とした初期バージョン。ほぼ楽曲は全ての構成が完成されており、後はいかに最終形までもっていくかが課題となっているようです。ギターソロが組み込まれるなど、ロック的なテイストが色濃く出ている初期バージョンです。リリース・バージョンで聴くことが出来るイントロの語り調の部分は後から加えられたというのも、このリハーサルやデモ音源から知ることができます。「So Bad」はポールが終始裏声で歌う珍しくも唯一の楽曲で、あの返しのベース音といい、ポール・ファンのツボを見事に突いた名曲といえます。ここに収録されているのはベーシックとなるトラックで、楽器は最小限に、ポールのシングル・トラックのヴォーカルが生々しいバージョン。そして最後がこれまた珍しいアセテート音源の「The Man」です。どの段階でのものなのか判然しませんが、ギターがまだしっかりと加えられておらず、ほぼオーケストラとアコギだけをバックにして、ヴォーカルには深いエコーがかけられている初期バージョンです。
ディスク2は「Sweetest Little Show」のデモを2バージョン、そしてウイングスのリハーサル・セッションより「Average Person」を収録しています。「Sweetest Little Show」はシンプルなデモ音源ながらヴォーカルは重ね録りが加えられ、テンポを抑え丁寧に歌っているのが印象的です。「Average Person」はかなり初期バージョンのようで、バンド・メンバーにコード進行を指示しながら曲を練っている様子が収録されています。メロディはほぼ完成しており、歌詞も最初からある程度完成している状態でスタジオに持ち込んでいるのが伺えます。おそらくウイングスの新曲として考えていたのでしょう、何度も何度もバンドに指示を出しながらリハーサルしているポールの妥協しない姿勢、それでいて和やかなスタジオの雰囲気が伝わってくるリハーサル音源です。最後はポール単独の同曲のデモ音源が収録されています。
ディスク3は甘いバラード「コアラへの詩」と「Twice In A Lifetime」の別ミックスから始まります。「コアラへの詩」はシングル「Say Say Say」のB面に収録されていて、CD化が遅れたせいか、あまりスポットの当たらない隠れた名曲扱いの不運な曲ですが、美しいメロディ、壮大な曲調などは、まさにマッカートニー・サウンドの真骨頂。「Twice In A Lifetime」は切ないメロディの落ち着いた曲で、この時期のアウトテイクの中でも白眉な佳曲。どちらかといえば「プレス・トゥ・プレイ」に近い曲調です。「It’s No On」は一転して軽快なメロディを持つ曲で、ポールよりは子供の歌声の方が目立つ、ポール・ファンにとっては微妙な印象の曲です。しかし本作に収録されているポールがメインで歌う同曲のセッション音源は、これがウイングス時代のデモと言われても通用するかのような70年代の雰囲気を醸しているまぎれもないマッカートニー・ナンバー。「Simple As That」はリリース・バージョンが「パイプス・オブ・ピース」のボーナストラックで収録されていますが、本作に収録されているのはそのデモ音源。驚くのはメロディから何からリリース・バージョンと全く異なる点です。歌詞が共通なだけで、まるで別の曲を聴いているかのような感じです。
ディスク3のハイライトは「The Girl Is Mine」のセッション音源でしょう。ポールのアルバムにマイケルジャクソンが参加した返礼として、マイケルの「スリラー」に一曲、ポールがデュエットという形でヴォーカル参加しているのが「The Girl Is Mine」です。これは共作ではなく、クレジットはマイケルひとりの、完全なるマイケルジャクソン・ナンバーで、ポールはヴォーカルのみの参加。よって最初に収録されているデモ音源はマイケルひとりによる録音です。本来ポールが歌うパートもマイケルが歌っているのが珍しいところ。甘いストリングスが入り、テンポはゆっくりで、リリース・バージョンとはかなり印象が異なるデモ音源です。この曲はエンディングにポールとマイケルの語りが入っていますが、その語りが入らないシングル・エディットも収録しています。
1980年代はダンス・ミュージックが流行、クラブなどで流すためのリミックスやロング・エディットが数多く作られました。マイケルジャクソンはその代表格で、アルバムやシングルとは別に12インチのリミックスが数多くリリースされており全体の把握が困難なほどです。オリジナル・バージョンを聴き慣れた耳には違和感があったり音が飛んでいるのではないかという不自然なものが多かったのも、今となっては懐かしい80年代の香り。ここでは比較的近年に作られた「Say Say Say」のリミックスを3バージョン収録しています。特に2012年にクリス・ホルメスによって作られたリミックスは、いきなり「Hey Bulldog」のサンプリングに驚きます。

01. Monitor Mix
02. Basic Track
03. Piano + second vocals, no children chorus (5.1 mix)
04. Effects + Flute + Children chorus + Indian Tabla (5.1 mix)
05. Single Edit
06. Alternate Take
07. Main vocal version (5.1 mix)
08. Single Extended Version
09. Single Instrumental
10. Rough Mix
Wings Rehearsal, October 30, 1980

11. Demo practice #1
12. Demo practice #2
13. Rehearsal #1
14. Rehearsal #2
15. Rehearsal #3
16. Rehearsal #4
17. Demo
Session with George Martin
18. Session #1
19. “Magic Eyes”
20. Session #2
21. Basic Track
22. Synthesizer + Orchestra (5.1 mix)
23. Rough Mix (Unknown Acetate)

01. Demo (unedited)
02. Demo (edited)
Wings Rehearsal, October 18, 1980

03. Rehearsal #1
04. Rehearsal #2
05. Rehearsal #3
06. Rehearsal #4
07. Rehearsal #5
08. Rehearsal #6
09. Rehearsal #7
10. Rehearsal #8
11. Rehearsal #9
Wings Rehearsal, October 30, 1980
12. Rehearsal #1
13. Rehearsal #2
14. Rehearsal #3
15. Rehearsal #4
16. Demo

01. Alternate Mix
02. Alternate Mix
03. Recording Session
04. Monitor Mix with additional vocals
05. Final Version
Unreleased Demo
06. Simple As That
07. Demo
08. Original long version
09. Single Edit
10. Promo Edit (“New Edited Version”)
11. Say Say Say (Chris Holmes Remix 2010)
12. Say Say Say (Chris Holmes Remix 2012)
13. Say Say Say (2015 Remix- video edit mix)
14. Intro/ Pipes Of Peace
15. Chat about George Martin
16. Chat about Michael Jackson
17. Say Say Say (Special edited version)
18. Chat about ‘Ebony and Ivory’
19. Chat about ‘The Man’
20. Chat about ‘The Other Me’
21. Chat about ‘Keep Under Cover’
22. Chat about ‘So Bad’
23. Chat about touring
24. Chat about ‘Sweetest Little Show’
25. Chat about ‘Average Person’
26. Chat about ‘Through Our Love’
27. About ‘War and Peace’
28. Paul final words
Misterclaudel. MCCD-528/529/530